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  • Writer's pictureRohit Pansare

Project 365: Day 7, Urban Gymnast…

So Project 365 turns 1 week old! To celebrate first-up I bring you the photo of the day followed by the weekly wrap-up…

Early morning driving through traffic everyday what do you see? People running, hopping and speeding to work. Cyclist are some of the least looked after people out there. Pedestrians still have a footpath here and there so they are still a little better off. Cyclist on the other hand are more vulnerable.

In Ahmedabad there are hundreds who commute to work on their cycles. The roads are not very kind to them and neither are the ruling class of the roads-the buses, cars and auto rickshaws or the middle class-the two wheelers.

Often they have to be skilled gymnasts to brave the traffic on the roads…


Urban cyclist or should I say Gymnast!

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